ГБУЗ «Онкологический диспансер №2» МЗ КК

354057, г. Сочи, ул. Дагомысская 38, секретарь: (862) 261-43-89, регистратура: (862) 261-43-93, е-mail: onko13@sochi.com

Oncology department №1

Head of the Oncology Department No. 1 Oleg Ivanovich Rozhnov.

O.I. Rozhnov is the highest qualification category oncologist, candidate of Medical Sciences. He has Professional experience in oncology is 29 years. Employment history: after graduating from the medical institute in 1986 worked as oncologist in the city hospital of the Bryansk region; from 1990 to 2003 - oncologist, from 2003 to 2007 - head of the surgical department of the Krasnodar city oncologic dispensary, from 2007 to the present, head of the Surgical Department No. 1 of the Sochi Oncologic Dispensary.


Oleg Ivanovich Rozhnov

Head of the Oncology Department No. 1

highest category oncologist


The department is staffed with 4 doctors (of them - 2 candidates of medical sciences, 2 highest category doctors) and 12 middle and junior employees. All doctors of the department underwent skill enhancement in the leading Russian clinics.

The department performs over 1000 surgeries per year, most of which are complex and tech-heavy surgeries.

 Doctors perform all the main surgeries on tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, female and male urogenital tract, and reconstructive surgeries in ostomy patients with history of radical surgeries of the large intestine. Common practices of the department include: minimally invasive surgery, including endoscopic removal of the stomach and large intestine benign tumors, and transurethral removal of neoplasms of the bladder. In recent years, one of the modern surgical fields - laparascopy in gynecological oncology, has been successfully developed. Surgeries are performed in compliance with modern standards of oncological practice. Wide range of high-scale operations does not negatively affect their quality – our rate of postoperative complications and postoperative mortality have been kept at a low level and are less than 1% over the past three years. This is a result of historically established principles of the department. First of all, it is the introduction of thoroughly developed surgical techniques, methods of operations recommended by leading Russian oncology scientific centers, the use of modern suturing devices, sutures, electrosurgical medical devices that meet the needs of almost any clinical situation, a thorough approach to the treatment of patients in preoperative and postoperative periods, using modern methods of prevention of purulent-septic and thromboembolic complications; high professionalism, goodwill and integrity of doctors.

 Another direction of the department's work is the improvement of organizational activities for the active detection of early forms of malignant neoplasms with the assistance of the regional and city health authorities and direct assistance of the chief oncologist of the Krasnodar Region. This line of work of the department is justified by the possibility of radical surgical treatment, good long-term results of treatment, social rehabilitation of patients treated in the initial stages of tumor diseases.